blending into the crowd that's not me in a field of red i'm the black dot when everyone's quiet it's me who squeals people are crying i'm clapping and laughing at the hilarity of the moment i'm running when it says 'walk' i'm taking something that says 'do not touch' i steal things just because i'm a tail rider garbage picker evil eyed lady that leers at an unruly toddler i don't kick dogs i don't eat meat and i love candy i drink beer do shots and make fun of people i don't care if someone dislikes me and i only have a few close friends i wear sweats to parties and dresses to bowl my friends take me or leave me it's all the same to me i love my son and would **** anyone that hurt him my mother's a nut and my dad's dead my brother's are cool but not as cool as me i'm a great aunt and an even better mother i say what i mean and mean what i say i'm trying to stop saying '****' but, sadly, i'm failing each day is a gift and even better when i'm drunk i plan on retiring rich and can't remember the last time i got laid i'm doing what i was put here to do and if i've touched your life...consider yourself lucky