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Dec 2015
There are always those whom cross our path,
That leave us asking why.
And those whom come our way,
And leave us with a big and empty sigh.
I have seen and felt the good and the bad,
Whether by my hand or someone else's.
Some I can get over and live,
And others whom have my heart and it goes awry.
I bleed so easily to those heartbreakers,
When I just want to give.
Is love simply captured and toyed to the point of disposition?
Or is it a lie told to gain more?
I have been childish in some areas of my life,
Running and hiding for my convenience.
And being so foolish in the process,
That I still am.
Have I been so foolish not to see?
Things that should be apparent to me,
Lost in the question whom the answer flees from.
I in that am in an end of sorts,
But then again maybe not so.
All in all that is where my mind is time to time,
And that in its certainty is unlikely to change.
Seth Milliman
Written by
Seth Milliman  South Bend, IN.
(South Bend, IN.)   
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