i can't rip myself to shreds and then wonder why you look at me like some sort of miasma of pity and misfortune that your sun couldn't melt and congeal into something recognizable something human i wonder if you see just a beast an animal whose only chance at survival is fight or flight
i see white and your face burns away bubbling in the heat of my nuclear explosions
i bury land mines in my own backyard and play games leisurely strolls blindfolds and a racing heart exploding from the center of my being praying to ignite that chain reaction
you tell me not to be stupid not to do anything stupid but stupid is a relative planet orbiting myself and eclipsing truth that to the rest of the human race is divine prophecy and absolute reality
i'm alone even in your presence because i'm not there and can't you see it written like neon braille across my face and branded with a white-hot poker into the blue green of my iris why do i need to live when this life is just as construed as a dream and as tangible as a nightmare
i'm lost
and i can't find your hand as i ***** in the darkness to lead me back to life and sanity but you aren't looking for me because i'm standing right next to you even though i'm gone.