Patience. Sometimes the word is hard to even say. When one moment.. When one outcome.... Fuels the need to rush. Instead of enjoying a slow and detailed way. As The future is always uncertain... Not even a Psychic on a hot-line can tell you a sure outcome for such.. The heat starts a boil.... Inside of our souls. To quicken to an answer to our questions to "What?" Like a child awaiting Santa on a Christmas Evening.... We push until speedy answers become a crutch. As we rush we create our own diluted outcome or result to a passion.. A finished product... A Sealed Deal at Work.... To hear an answer "right away!" We fail to see a more beautiful "finish line" as in the tale of "the Tortoise and The Hare" Who race against each other in deep passion. The Tortoise wins by being himself, "Slow and Steady." While the Hare burns up the track and himself to powder Due to his ill-faded "speedy line" fashion. Rushing burns the future to a thin and diluted soup As we allow the moment, instead, to slowly simmer and cook... We enjoy the spoils of flavor as we follow the steps.. Enjoying the pages read when cooking up memories in "Life's Cook Book."