Go on a scary ride 10 times in a row. 2. Go Skydiving. 3.Make a time capsule. 4.Spend 1 day without talking. 5.Say yes to everything for a day (expect if it is: harmful, embarrassing...). 6.Face my fears. 7.Learn how to drive a car. 8.Go camping for a week (with friends). 9.Go without TV for a month. 10.Donate blood. 11.Walk around barefooted for a day (SolesforSouls). 12.Dress like a hobo for two days. 13.Drink 100 cups of coffee (& stay up all night). 14.Take a picture of a jellyfish. 15.Change my style. 16. Read 10 classic books in a 2 days.
None of these ^ were my idea. (My friend came up with them)