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Dec 2015
I met an Eskimo heading South
Asked him what that was all about
He told me to cool my heels
He'd had enough of frozen meals

Passing through the Northern states
Spent a day in Bangor Maine
Got out of there post haste
Before the cold froze his blubber brain

From there headed down to Tupelo
But Mississippi was still to cold
Spotted a bit of roadside trash
Where he found a Florida map

Made his way down to the warmth
Florida and bought a farm
Now grows pecans whale big in size
Where he puts them into pies

Set up a country roadside stand
Oranges and fresh pecans
RC Cola and Eskimo moon pies
Right along the ocean side

When he's not picking nuts from the trees
In the sunny heated down South breeze
Sporting the best in bronze tans
It's good to be an Eskimo Floridian
I was going through a box of poems looking for one I'd written about Christmas (found it by the way!) and came across this one I'd written last year about this time...So what the hey! Just for fun!
Mike Hauser
Written by
Mike Hauser  Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)   
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