light scrunched, a crouched shadow. eyes discern heaviness of ordinary places into various flows of gutted fish.
this world gives away a weathered image: its wraith comes unannounced
lovelessly drags the stooping gait of walls, obscenely expires a small clearing
this mundane home gives way to a restless flow of other dimensions.
bird of the afternoon reaches far beyond extensions. discombobulated tendril of light flashes its fullness to a bedrock of reality.
the kitchenwares start to falter but all for the way, where once gray hair graced this table, her vividly tremulous hand steadies a fixed touch on bedspread —
on the wet back of freshly bathed fruits, a metonymy that continues to bruise.
morning's watery hands part to meet the mist of departures;
quietly as we all are, seldom imposed an overhung dark, and as quiet as you,