Where did he go? Once was here and so close Then all of a sudden he was called home Rain splattered on the concrete that night Masking my tears from sight Sobs were lost in the howling wind Storm of sorrow reminded that he wouldn't be back again How does a bright day get consumed in darkness so quickly? From happiness to sorrow, it surrounded me so swiftly The Lord decided it was time for you to leave Now im left here with a soul that is no longer complete Sometimes when the storm fully surrounds me I wish to just give in and end my misery To be called home into your arms where it's warm Saved from my sorrow so I'd no longer have to mourn Memories of you haunt me everyday I'm so tired of never seeing color, only a bitter grey Before you helped me to look at the world vividly with open eyes Now I try to look but what I see I can't help to despise Everything you once showed me to love Was taken from me when you were called above Maybe one day I'll be able to look past this grief that leaves me broken and torn I just wish I could stop time, rewind, and go back to save you before the storm