I don't know If I could ever Make you understand But I can paint a picture clearly
My parents The doctors All made a desperate attempt To save my right eye
Only 6 years old And I was already Doomed to go blind
I was not dyslexic But I wrote backwards I could see Out of my eye But I had to accept at a young age That I would never see Perfectly
Later on I realized I will never accept Going blind In my right eye
My sight fades As my vision deteriorates With each passing day Sometimes I can't feel my eye
I have to hold out an arm As to avoid running into things It's so embarrassing
When I was Young Kids made fun of me Because I wore an eyepatch It was like a bandaid At night My mom would tear it off And I would cry myself to sleep In pain Because my skin came off with it And my nerves were on fire
The doctors said I'm too old now I will never see out of that eye Ever again I couldn't help But fight the tears This diagnose felt terminal After all the hard years
I still can not accept That I will never see again Going through life With a blind side I was never meant to fit in
This poem is more for myself than anything, I guess. I doubt anyone would read the whole thing.. but I don't really care. It took a lot of courage to write this, believe it or not. Haha :) and for those who might wonder, I have an underdeveloped muscle, and my brain ignores anything that eye takes in. Because it knows which image is the right one... that's what I was told, at least...