I heard the voice of the world, The color of the ocean I saw by my heart, The sky very surprise but beautiful, Life is guilty but its true meaning. O smile! You stay always on my lips, Sadness to make happiness and peaceful life, As the sun, give the light in my journey, O song! Come on sweetly my mouth. You order to keep in mind and heart, Birth I grow up with feet, Think all the country to travel, I dream like the river and hope. O rhythm! My birth is for you, Soft in your heart beautiful flowers bloom, Happily flows rivers and wind, O sun! You give light every my days, I write a poem to my cutie, And sing the songs for all mates, I write the story to my world, And to live for the childrens. Like the clouds of heaven and sky, I hope to see the world, We born alone, we all die alone, But I will die like the river.