For every person their cards are dealt A hand that foretells their life To tell how everything will play out Four cards for a life, a buy in that’s forever Mine were dealt a card from each suite That shadows my life forever The first was the suite of spades The card a two representing the dual Spades of my thoughts and actions slowly Digging my own grave deeper and deeper The second dealt was from the club Suite and the Jack was flipped representing My need and want and need of the Club life despite not ever fitting in The third was the diamond exclusive And the Joker was shown, for I’m far from the riches and the Joker of the court The final suite is flipped, the suite Of hearts and the card is a king But the king has a different Meaning, for it is the king of broken Hearts because what is more fitting For me? For I’m the king of enternal Love loss, sadness stretching to the Ages and forever will don the crown Of thorns and be the crowned the *King of Broken Hearts