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Nov 2015
Behind her sleepless nights there was someone
Behind her tears on pillow everynight there was someone
Behind her finding oneself lonely in crowd there was someone
That someone who always loved her
That someone who always promised to be besides her
That someone who always made her feel alive
But today that someone has vanished somewhere
Somewhere far where her voice can't reach
Somewhere strange where her messages arent delivered
Somewhere weird where noone knows what the place is
Those words were crushed and promises were broken
That love turned into pain and those moments turned into memories
She wishpers to herself "why did u leave me?"
Moment later someone wishpers back I didn't leave you smeone took mee away"
Wait!! what was that???
Did someone took his life away??
Did someone wanted me to be alone??
whisper: No, they wanted you to be the only reason behind everything.
Medha Nepal
Written by
Medha Nepal
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