While waiting For a taxi By a roadside A young and An energetic lad Came and Without courtesy Pushed me aside To take a ride Hopping on A minibus taxi, Only for one Occupant A place had.
Before ebbs out My vexation Another taxi Drew my attention.
I hopped in Condemning a grave sin The lad's action-- "Where is his sense of decorum, Preached on Religious and Cultural forum?"
Fast, the second taxi Almost caught up With the first, Which got out of sight To be stopped By a traffic light.
Out of a sudden I heard a deafening blast That accompanied Orange tongues of light While the first taxi Soared up like a kite.
With no need To ask why Such a thing Happen out of A clear blue sky Occupants and I Out of our taxi Managed to fly, For we were TV sensitized To keep an open eye Of terrorist that vowed To operate on the sly.
Though sad That cursed lad Snatched death From my hand!
Original story got from the experience of my close friend.It happened two years back.