Depression is like an ocean of demons, you have to learn to swim or they will catch you. it's a battle against your own mind, no matter how hard you try they will come back to haunt you. It's sleepless nights, tiresome day. Feeling numb, emotions go wild, but you always paint on a smile. It's pretending everything is ok when really you're trapped in a hell you wish you could escape.
Depression is a cut so deep, you cover it up because you don't want people to see. Everytime you look at it you feel ashamed and weak. Depression is being in a room full of people and still feeling so alone. It's feeling frustrated with yourself because you wish that for just one second your brain could switch off, it's wishing you could feel true happiness but it's been so long you don't even know what tru happiness is anymore. What is depression? it's an ocean of demons, if you don't swim you'll drown.