it took his entire life and a second as with anything that happened a moment ago or at least just before high fashion became not the world why look? sanity slowed his gait before decision there was nothing he needed a deliberately paced piano foretold the past it made him feel strange everyone was doomed but he already knew so why think of them? it was only about how, when and why that is why he grew quiet as if it mattered to a stranger washing his face they would never meet he lost his voice while speaking in obscenities it served him right his suits hung loudly while his jeans lay quietly as did his black shoes and sneakers a future promise would no longer be negotiable withhold it until the right time a still-born breeze waited by the door she could only wonder he liked her but didn’t ask her for anything the obligation was too overwhelming he wasn’t looking for another intoxication it was time to be a baby again to allow what was necessary required innocence not to attract opposites interaction became optional as was isolation a prerequisite controls direction blinding light prevents outside interference ear shattering sound for dismay every sense is a matter of knowledge until it is overwhelmed to cleanse is to see because nothing exists it is not peace it is the destruction of memory and reason to be like a baby crying for something it cannot request you could climb a mountain but to what end does the depth exist? nature of that scope must remain you could read the same book every day but do you want to be a robot? it is not necessary to recite a creed or rosary ritual only revives torment but its form is worse than the original to shock yourself by complete withdrawal from convention but not to protest it is to know that every conversation was once yours as is every car that passes when the landing gear retracts beneath you that is when you will know metal ***** that click together are no longer important only the ability to see what is true waking up in a different bed in a different land it is the same no culture to defend no God that is afraid no cynicism only the desire to be as you were intended it is the moment you need to be told because you are waiting stop waiting in the lobby if the elevator does not work take the stairs if the stairs are filled with people huddled together ignore the storm the piano is playing as your heart keeps time the hands the reaches for you reveals that the piano plays involuntarily like your heart it knows what to do in order to survive but what would you have it do in order to begin again most likely a guard dog must give chase intending to **** it is time not to care for trends it is time not to be judged by those you do not know for fear is the blinding light and confusion the ear shattering sound but to know the moment before is to know that you waited all your life for this to happen it is your chance if you will only care to try nobody has to know only you if only you would get out of your own way