Remember our plans for the cruise to Alaska? I had dreams about that trip for a long while after. Snowy hills, and crisp cold air, Polaroids of the dark grey ocean in a pile somewhere.
You said I was intelligent and pretty, Although I always felt more annoying than witty. And I know I didn't go about things in a conventional way, But I still pray every night that I'll see you again someday.
Before me you explained that you've been left without love and a broken heart, And I promised i'd never do that to you from the start, Maybe I've failed you and pushed you back into your shell, But I've always hoped you were nothing other than well.
I always reflect on your stories about back then, The 90's getting drunk to A Perfect Circle with your best friend, I listen to that album now on repeat almost everyday, It reminds me of you and all the things I wish I could say.
And as chills make their way down my spine, I envision a future time when everything will be fine, Even if it's never anything more than just friends, I hope to be able to speak with you again.
With your big blue eyes, And your warm heart, I wish there was a button where I could press re-start, On a story that could have been so much more, But is now left unanswered behind a closed door.
It's been a while since I've written a poem, But I knew that no matter what you deserved your own. I'll go to sleep tonight and dream about Alaska, Your warm hands around my waist snapping pictures of the snowy pastures Coated in new beginnings and what could have been, We'll talk about how we'll never go home ever again.