I hate to break this to you But I've got some awful news Seems our parents as we grew up Weren't telling us the truth
Life is not the party The older that you get Adulthood's gonna **** ya If it hasn't already yet
Never once was mentioned the fall out Starting with the hair and teeth I'm not sure they even would have told us If they hadn't first lost their memory
Or that the ache When you first awake Will be the best That you feel all day
And what the taxman doesn't take The undertaker will That is if you have anything left After a lifetime of paying bills
Yes, never did they tell us As we were quickly on our way That we'd live every waking moment With some sort of stabbing pain
Or that if and when we make it to the end We'd lose all our self respect Having strangers bathe and change us In our state of drooling mess
I'm sure they thought it funny Those wild old crazy coots Keeping age a secret And us out of the loop
Not sure I could ever forgive them For all the lying that they did I guess the only option is Not to tell our kids...