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Oct 2015
I dream of the days of glory;
so men could find it daily
to inspire those who are down.
When no one is around,
may life leave you it’s foundation of beauty.

Beauty inspired by the art of men;
who dreamed so large to mend,
what was broken in death,
be brought back into depth,
knew that life itself was larger then God.

May we extend ourselves farther than god,
because the radicals of evil violate the good.
The intentions of men
be wiser then The Ten
so we can live in the days of glory.
The point of this poem is not to be liked, but to remind you of how we once lived our life. So, let us try and not to set ourselves back centuries behind, but keep on moving forward into the present for the future. When we refer everything as men having the power of society, but we should really see each other all equally.
Mr Silence
Written by
Mr Silence  122/M/Here
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