Women are always saying, why are there no good men out there anymore? I say there are plenty of good men out there. Good men with great qualities. Might not look like Brad Pitt but strong enough to never quit. You can't wait for a George Clooney you may go ******.
You chose to go out on a date with that handsome man. Who drives the fancy car and wears that fancy watch. That handsome man wined you and dined you. Took you back to his place where you ended up staying late. You left in the early morning hour, heading home for a shower. A few days have gone by, that handsome man never calls. You're feeling sad and rejected, thats what handsome men do.
A good man would not have rejected you. A good man who drives an old pickup truck. Who worries when the rents do. A good man working to make ends meet would sweep you off your feet. Good men aren't hard to find. Just open your eyes and you just might find. That there are a few good men out there.