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Oct 2015
It's like two people , lovers from the previous night that see one another the following day , a bit embarrassed , unsure if love or animal attraction exist between the two or heating a glass tube ,-building the facilitator for a hit of ice or two hidden from view , in a empty pack of Marlboros , people are more than aware of your "secret" discretions so why doodle , writing lines in sand that are erased at high tide , sending secret , sweet notes to the apple of your eye , building bridges for all to cross or lone tree on a island that nobody knows , creating fields of fire without a battle , stroking the ego of tyrants that don't really matter ?
Copyright  September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Randolph L Wilson
Written by
Randolph L Wilson  Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.
(Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.)   
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