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Sep 2015
i sit,

this night drawing neigh
the moon sets

the sun
begins rising high

i sit,

endless blends,
Yin & Yang  
yang & yin,

night & day
day & night,

sun & moon,

summer, winter
spring & autumn,

ever coming
& again...

& again.....
neigh |nā|   ~  (this isn't the definition i wanted to find... but the word stays in... i like the way it sounds.... neigh ... like hi,  or high...
a characteristic high-pitched sound uttered by a horse.
verb [ no obj. ]
(of a horse) make a characteristic high-pitched sound; utter a neigh.
• (of a person) make a sound similar to a neigh: they neighed dutifully at jokes they did not understand.
ORIGIN Old English hnǣgan (verb), of imitative origin; compare with Dutch dialect neijen .
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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