Unforgettable you are as every moment spent together, intense moments summer storm, sweet, eyes that talk miming hugs, fleeting, stop, Time, and let Love last a life, sensual tight tight steeped in pleasure moans, quivers, the heart leaps. Unforgettable you are nor could I forget you and may the day not come nor the night without you desert otherwise, far away from you, hands that cling to the void of nothing, just for a while with you nettle tears that burn the skin in the impotent memories, never again with you chanting the Unforgettable among lines of verses that seek in the crevices of memory useless reliefs.
Dear readers, the original poem is in Italian and even in my language its words and its construction sound unusual. You may imagine the great difficulty I had in translating it into English. Please, accept my translation as an effort to overcome the barriers of the language, because literature must not have frontiers.