I have this feeling that something is not right it is as if something bad is about to happen I try to ignore this feeling as much as I can but sometimes it is impossible to ignore I have so much on my mind going for walks used to help but lately I just want to throw up everything inside of me Sleeping is supposed to drown out everything you are supposed to get peace when you sleep Except for me I get nothing but nightmares I wake up so much through out the night I might as well not go to sleep at all I get so depressed that I forget where I am sometimes I never have days where I am just happy I always end up feeling depressed about something I feel so alone too I have friends yet I feel like I am walking alone all of the time I am even thinking about cutting again Cutting does not get me anywhere though It takes me to a painful state of mind where my emotions are out of control I cannot function unless I feel physical pain When I cut I am in control with my emotional pain I like having that control I have fewer breakdowns with that control School is easier to deal with when I have that control My life itself is a nightmare I have no choice but to live with what I have To not live with my disorder would be to commit suicide and suicide is too easy One cut, one bullet, one leap off of a really tall building could end it all for good Life is a challenge for me It is a challenge I choose to beat This bad feeling I have may just be a warning It is a warning telling me I am about to lose it If I do not take a step back and breathe I might do something really stupid I have come too far to be stupid I need to stop rewind breathe shift my focus to something that will take my mind off of this bad feeling if I don't this could all end very badly
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: August. 25, 2011 Thursday 8:36 AM