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Sep 2015
hey you!
yeah you!

i say,

i want to create
a collection
called '******* gems'
because of this poem.

i LOVE that phrase!

so i say,
or said to me,

i shall ask your advice.
kind reader,
will that offend?

... i'm thinking it will,
... so i best not.  
what do YOU think kind reader?
should i?
should i not?  

i guess the requirement
to join the club would be
that the piece must contain
at least
one time,
my favorite
******* word.

so i say!
what do

OH and just thought
it must be nice
or funny
or nice & funny!

oh and

no icky works
will be accepted.

read the gem
from which
the collection wishes
to spring.

eagerly awaiting your
your friend,
i hope,
the big fat bus
with the Big Fat Yellow Bootay.

(oooo... should i edit that to read
with my favorite word in between
Fat & Yellow?)

i bid you adieu,
sweet quiet morning to you,
kind reader...

...have adventures ahead
between now
and next time we meet.

that puppyhead needs her a walkin...
and you are seeing what treasures those net
each morning.

someone somewhere must
brush teeth,
scrape tongue

... ah ****,* i best make this a morning piece
and you kin read it thar,
so here it is.

* and NO, that was not written to mean
and poo!
as part of the morning constitutional.
it was an exclamation...
explaining is exhausting...
from the whole gang MC, BFB with the BFYB, PH, LAN

and seriously,  it is a serious question... do not delay taking pen to paper, i shall read each and every reply!  thank 'e much!
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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