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Sep 2015
hey you,
yes you,
the strapping young lad,
with that leaf blower resting
on that shoulder pad.

why don’t you use a rake?
your hearing that blower
soon will take.

what will you do when  
alone in a room,
with that sweet lass,
when she’s moaning
as you are caressing
her beautiful ***?

your hearing so slight,
you can’t quite catch,  
the growing of her subtle delight.

you wouldn’t heed the warning,
now you can't hear her moaning.

now you are left wishing
how much you
should have,
could have,
used that silent broom.

instead of that machine,
that machine of  
your keen hearing’s
final & lasting doom.
yes, more modern suburban hell.
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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