Before you walk out that door listen to what I have to say Running away from your problems will not make them go away Before you do anything permanent think about the choice you're making Is it really worth losing your life? Do you realize the risks you are taking? Killing yourself will not make them shut up they will just start picking on someone else Be the hero in this situation go get yourself some help You are far too beautiful and talented to be another statistic in a **** book Before you do anything else go to your mirror and have a look In front of you is a girl who has the power to save lives You just need a little guidance and reassurance that you will be alright You are a walking miracle in a world who has lost all hope You are the light in someone's darkness you are someone's melody in a music note I know the pain you feel hurts even breathing makes you tired You have talents begging to be seen you have an inner fire I know you feel alone but you are far from it You need to let somebody in to help you finish what you started Please put down that razor and let yourself cry Do not be afraid to show your emotions there is no reason to hide You are nothing like the bullies say you are someone unique You have what it takes to change the world just pick up your pen and write Your words are somebody else's words that are afraid to be said out loud You have no reason to feel bad you have every reason to be proud You were given the gift of words words are how a person explains what they feel You know how to open a person up you know how to help them heal Your future is full of greatness the choice is up to you To choose life or choose death what are you going to do?
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: August. 27, 2014 Wednesday 3:34 AM