This has been over-said, I know But it seems as though some people Aren't listening How can homosexuality be a choice? Why would someone choose that life-style Of pain, rejection, fear, and no acceptance? Why would two boys choose To have a relationship they had to keep hidden? A relationship many people would not accept? Why would they choose to be separated in public To not even look at each other for fear of rumors Who dare compare love to *******, How dare they say it's comparable to loving a car These are people, and this is real love How dare they say that those two girls Holding hands, looking into each others eyes Love each other any less than the boy and girl Please, I urge anyone out there doubting That these people don't choose to live that way It's your responsibility to create a world Where it's no longer un-accepted, Where those boys can show the world they Do like kissing, they do like holding hands It's our responsibility to change for the better Anyone who says it's a choice, obviously Has never fallen helplessly in love before