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Aug 2015
There was a thing with nothing,
No form,
No gender,
No name,
No home,
No diety.
It roamed by itself with no one.
No girl,
No boy,
No anything,
No direction.
It bumped into another thing who had,
No form,
No gender,
No name,
No home,
No diety.
It felt a feeling it never had felt.

The feeling grew the longer it was near the other thing.

The other thing felt it too.

A light flicked on and showed the two things' true forms.

Did the feeling stop?
I got inspired by the title space. This is not bashing or approving anything. Please like, add, and/or share it if you're not afraid to (and if you actually appreciate it).
You can call me Liz
Written by
You can call me Liz  Over the Rainbow
(Over the Rainbow)   
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