Our time is all we have And still it's all we give away For a penny or a cent For a word or just a scent Of something that was never ours And as the sweet lie comes along for a moment makes us strong For a moment makes us feel Real love on our skin
But the moment is like the stone As soon as the sun is gone It gets colder than the night In winter timeΒ How love could be so cruel How we could get so weak And forget our only friend We have in life
Our life is our time Your life is yours not mine And all I have to giveΒ Is this love I have in me And the sweet lie has an end As I do my dear friend And there we are alike Though my time was not that long What I felt was never wrong And it hurt like salt on open wound But the pain was not that bad Comparing to what you've said Having softness of your touch Melt my soul to death