You know you are The PRINCESS of my heart And I LOVE you much Than the stars in the sky
I love your eyes I love your touch I love your smiles I love the way you smell I love the way you laugh I love the way you walk
I remember you When you were born And the way you played When you were 9 years old
Since then I knew right away That our fate will make us meet And once met I'llΒ Β forever be here for you To watch you smile, laugh, play Grow and enjoy LIFE
You bring to me so much joy My heart jumps out every time I think of you I have so much good memories of you I remember every second I spent with you And a powerful sense of LOVE, care and compassion towards you That no one can compare to
Everyday I come and watch you sleep I see your dreams and desires How Am I going to keep you be The way you perfectly are "PERFECT" I don't want you to change a bit
I only look at goodness of yours I can only see beauty in you My heart is so much fond of you
Everyday, from behind your heart (Where I reside silently) I see you hearing music Smiling, looking at the mirror Wondering, dancing, happy, eating
When I call your name You think of me When you think of me Tears roll down my eyes
No LOVE that anyone has known Can matched with the way We LOVE each other Between us...
There is no suffering, no tragedy There is perfect understanding A harmony only found in symphony
Behind all turmoil of past Nothing can ever shadow the bond That we retain for each other
I respect you a lot for your Intelligence, wisdom and common sense
You know very well, You are my PRINCESS You are my "QUEEN" Everyday when you sleep I kiss your forehead
Remember I am your LOVER LOVERS - not in the routine sense But I'm your eternal LOVER
You can do anything with me You can treat me the way you want But I'll always remain yours
Like a loyal puppy dog, I'll come licking at your legs
I want to show you so much LOVE That no one ever (not even your family) Can LOVE you the way I do