You sag your pants I prefer mine tight You wear beanies on your head I wear my hair spiked high You wear shoes bigger than my face I prefer my small converse You like to go out everyday I like to stay home underneath the covers You like to get things done quick I procrastinate You're impatient when waiting to take showers while I can wait for hours You like naked women on your bedroom walls I prefer song lyrics You like to talk about your day I love hearing about it You like to think about things I like to jump to conclusions you know why you do the things you do whereas I never have a reason You like things neat I like a little mess here or there You worry about what others think I simply just don't care We are total opposites people like us normally fight Instead we get along so well we can stand to sleep together at night We can spend hours together and spend our time wonderfully It's amazing to me how two different people can mesh together so perfectly
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: November. 2, 2011 Wednesday 7:51 A.M.