Here it comes again, deadlines and exams. I thought things will get better, Reality boots me in the gut; Expectations weigh me down. My eccentricity, repels my peers. How will I blend? How do I hope to belong? Then you came along. You lifted my angst, my loneliness. You went your way to comfort me. An unlikely friendship blossomed. A bond crossing cities—piercing screens. Academic plights tasted like butter. Indifferent folks, spilt sweetness in their lips. Stress, became lovely. May hap, my silly expectations are reasonable after all. Still, test papers are taken away. Roads divide, split ways we go. Now, I'm back in a rut—beatings recur. If nothing else, at least we have journals of our memories. Holding on light bulbs for each other, Navigating the illusions of indoctrination. Anxiously, waiting for our paths to cross again.