It happened several years ago But it is a true story in the flow A Senior Citizen woman being my Grandmother She was a strong woman like no other She worked as a Board Of Education Lunchroom Manager at P.S. 202 in Brooklyn, New York As my Grandmother was leaving on a regular day, a Mugger was getting ready to pounce It all happened on the busy street of Atlantic Avenue My Grandmother was on her way to the Doctor But when she got in the middle of the street, the mugger showed his attack mystique However, the Mugger didn’t know he was in for a surprise Yet my Grandmother showed that Mugger her realize She literally knocked the mugger off his feet The Mugger tried another attempt in attack being another retreat Well my Grandmother showed that Mugger, this senior citizen was determined to not be beat What do you think happened? The Mugger got sacred and ran off Now my Grandmother 5’ 5’ being short, but I never said she was weak Big things come in small packages My Grandmother being the Biblical David and defeating Goliath being the Mugger My Grandmother’s response being her slugger power She reigned supreme and that Mugger knows what that means This is a true story and I am being honest Senior Citizen’s have more power than Social Security, and their strength being their unity.