As soon as I saw you I saw the lightning aura around you The neon letting you flow from within Properties of gadolinium are an excuse A magnetic principle is what I say Amazed at the oxygen that flows from your being Yet shocked at the purity of life you support around you Your smile like rubidium Turning the light around you into energy This helps fuel my inner battery Which is possibly lined with lead I'm able to feel the strong calcium within your body Which is large enough to create multiple bones and beautiful shells So perfect that you can go with anything gold Which is why any jewelry is lucky to be yours But your reach of perfection is further As you go with any tellurium Any coloring that's seen within a stained glass window Just on you will make you look angelic But to me your beauty is nothing but bromine Nothing but *poisonous
Going back to the type of poet I truly am. A love poem that utlilizes elements and their uses in the real world.