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Jul 2015
The silence will speak,
The darkness may fall,
But no one understands me,
No, not at all

The class think I'm quiet,
I try not to speak out,
But when I get chosen,
I begin to have doubt

My hands start to shake,
Heart will beat fast,
Palms start to sweat,
Though I try to relax...

I open my mouth,
To try and reply,
My mind will go blank,
And my mouth will go dry.

Outside, in the yard,
My friends, they will speak,
I try to take part,
But no... (I'm too weak)

I remember one time,
I went to a gig,
My friends met new people,
And I just felt sick.

The reason for this,
I was not getting ill,
I was simply just scared...
That's all.
Written by
Ally  UK
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