ojos de Angel Thy dress is quite seen, thy vocabulary to me reads The word's of a queen.......
mo chuisle Thy feet art tired from work Relax, let mine finger's exhort, pressing and caressing softly to thy skin.....
buah hatiku For thee I write ancient poems and haiku's Doth thou not seeith thou art mine muse, and law giver to me?
sirenita I've traveled for thee from afar I giveth mine courtship to thee, and heart For though distance doth not keep us apart, Distance is but a word As mineself I canst maketh it all real... Just telleth me,
When thou art up for a real call A real visit And everything to be.... For I'd giveth all for thou Mine reina Mine everything....
ojos de Angel- means angel eyes in Spanish mo chuisle- means my pulse in Irish buah hatiku- means fruit of mine heart in Indonesia... sirenita- means little mermaid in Spanish