i. Tread lightly for you tread upon my heart those nights the Angels want to tear you down those nights you want to talk about Modernism those nights you're Kerouac under the ageless, drunken Moon those nights on which I discover that we both like Columbo & both have watched '' The Reader'', '' Russian Ark'' & both Virginia Woolf adore tread lightly for you tread upon my heart
i.i Tread lightly for you tread upon my heart those nights when you are just too smart for your own good & wit & kindness seem to well up in your every word those nights you talk of Northern thunderstorms when down South we have none & Bronte's Kathy haunts you Tread lightly for you tread upon my heart
i.i.i Tread lightly for you tread upon my heart each time you make the stars seem dimmer by your absence when the broken night's soundtrack is your ' Joy Division' Those nights you write poetry at 2 a.m just like me Those nights I realize you'll never see in me the jazz that I found in you Because you never looked Those nights I want to tear down the Angels for keeping us apart; tread lightly for you tread upon my heart