It has come to our attention that your License was suspended- for failing to stop, within lines, for needed punctuation. Your casual allusions to things and times of yore Are confusing to the reader, and frankly mark you as a bore. Your long winded analogies sometimes beggar all belief, though some here think that your intent is comical relief. All attempts at alliteration have been something of a dud; You fall in love with the technique and sound like Elmer Fudd. Your recent "Ode to Flatulence" using onomatopoeia was but the latest instance of your verbal diarrhea. Your metaphors are pitiful and this committee looks askance at your evident confusion of mere lust with true romance. Still, we are both kind and merciful (as bureaucrats tend to be) , So we'll renew you for another year upon remittance of the fee.
I've been debating if I should bother renewing it...