It's raining today Rain rain go away Come again another day The children sing their childhood songs, leaning against the window pane Smelling the water hit the ground in patters and calming splashes So we turn the lights out and watch as the lightening flashes across gray skies And as they all become entranced with God's light I sneak out the door and watch the rain from my porch Taking deep breathes and hesitantly dipping my toes in to cool open air Feeling the tiny kisses of drops hitting my skin Glowing for seconds at a time where all the places become damp So I step outside of my clothing Folding them into neat individual piles and I begin to run And skip Dive into the asphalt of an empty street The Heaven's skies crying their purifying tears upon my body And I laugh My pupils going wide As the endorphin rush of a lifetime grows bigger and bigger with every sin cleansed from my soul Breaking away the ever stubborn demons of my mind I collapse into an out of mind existence, letting each puddle cover my **** pleasure And as the rain rises The rain rises and washes into my lungs Silently pinning me to ground And choking me until I can breathe no more And as I drown Rain rain go away *Come again another day