Reek havoc amongst yourself, watch it burn from the ashes of neglect- simmer like the silence inside your bones remember the things you chose not to say. As your blood boils to the surface reflect on why you're about to lose your sanity again. In the dark of the night- I sit on the roof watching passing cars like I'm the only one who pays attention to their breathing. I watch the sky and try to see the Earth spin try to make a musical instrument out of the wind I hear music in everything. Somewhere along the line it became the only safe haven so the blood that spills over and the ashes that fly away become not just a passing memory- they become a church choir for mistaken identity for the facade placed upon me that I eventually threw away. I remember hospital beds better than my own childhood and I think memory is the only game of russian roulette I have ever been good at- because either way I die. From the memories or the wounds it gives me on the inside either way it cripples me. Attachment is not my forte but it seems to linger on my mind like it's a bad dream I can't seem to shake. Independence has always been the way I grew- flourished under my own autonomy and patriarchy has always been the enemy- times like these I realize how genetics are strong how father and son can grow to become the same how times can change more things than they make consistent and how consistency is dynamic in this world where everyone is so static. I have become myself once again found the fleeting feeble female I was once was and grew her into something I liked better. Felt the indecision of discretion and watched as freedom became my second nature but now it is my sixth sense my conversation with the higher power the light at the end of this tunnel so use your words wisely- they can become a disservice to you and make you wander onto the edge of your own lips only to have someone else remove them with their kiss. Your mind is your own greatest magic trick- use it to your advantage.