he saw them marching, as the golden rays kissed a solemn good-bye he was there still, standing- in that late winter when even gods seemed to have died he saw them riding, with their spears and shiny armour the silence drowned the noise and suddenly, it became calmer he could hear his mother whispering, old dreams and a spring men behind him screaming he heard them call a king, With rugged and torn shields they made their way forth a shadow slowly approaching and he raised them his sword a roar through the mountains for here cometh the lords into the shiny armour and spears Into claws of the beast either way there'll be a feast so he stood his ground as the shadow covered them in that dark to drown they laid on the ground They laid in pieces Sleeping for the crown Nothing remains now only a howl in a winters breeze And if you close your eyes you can still feel them breathe blood and tears, Roaring for a thousand years.