you're a game of "fill-in-the-blanks" and your soul is a canvas etched on in the manner of Dorian Gray's.
you're a prototype and an original you are "buy now because it won't be printed again!" but you are also a stickman made out of dough cookie-cut so you fit into your box.
you're fast when you run you're a storm when in love you're a puzzle and a statement and a Rubik's cube with 54 facets - all different colors.
but you're not a problem that needs to be solved you're not the only solution to a problem And sometimes you have problems and not solutions but that's the Struggle for you.
and you're quite small, really, if that's what you believe.
*Not everyone can change the world; it's true. But *someone has to do it, right?
I've seen people heave luggages of the Past toward promises of the Future, trampling the Present in their way.