sometimes I think I am loveless and cold, and that's why I hate the heat and get sick all the time but she reminded me of all the love I do have love that fills the room and echoes like a choir's song on a Sunday love that burns through me like a match in a grassy field I have love for the trees and for the river and for the smooth rocks and even for the jagged ones that cut my knees there is love every time she forgets to put on sunscreen and there is love when I take care of her so she can be high on acid I give love to my father and mother, who watched me destroy myself for years and held my hand as I walked out of the darkness but I think most important of all is that I have love for myself for my scars and my freckles and my stretch marks and my illness and my flat feet and my small hands and my messy hair and my sweaty palms and for everything that makes me who I am I have love -