Flittering, fluttering, dancing in their flight Glittering like emeralds throughout the night
The dance begins before sunset and goes on by the light of the moon It is a ritual we hope won't end soon
In May every lightning bug gets excited To this dance every firefly is invited
The dance begins when they hover in the air Then one by one turn on their light for flair
They spin, dip, and dive While others are continuing to arrive
The lightning bugs continue on through the night Showing off their little lanterns of light
Finally, they come to a close After this long dance, a firefly has to doze
Like candles being blown out, the green flashes of light are no more But not to worry, they will continue for weeks until the final encore
This is actually a poem I wrote a few years ago on a camping trip. Fireflies were starting to appear, and the Owl City song, *Fireflies* was stuck in my head. Hello inspiration!