I read once that none can be as cruel as an unthinking youth and sad or to kinda be expected that's true as we know, somewhat to much chagrin young children will be brutally honest no matter what setting they're in.
Now, bullying is an American epidemic so why would a parent add fuel to a fire that's already spreading? why humiliate your offspring to get a point across why take the heart of a child and harden what's malleable and soft? I get it, when your child does wrong you have to correct that's all well and good, but where's the limit set?
Like I stated earlier none can be as cruel as an unthinking youth, so parents I ask, would you like that done to you? Would you be okay with someone leaking every stupid decision you made on a worldwide platform? Would you grin and bear it as more and more people treat you with unbridled and cruel scorn? taunting remarks and biting stings that remind us of a simple truth None can be as cruel as an unthinking youth