In a dire little spire's shadow A form pitters, admires a sad show A girl of the world waits on the drab stone Waits to unfurl the curl of her mad bones
Hurrying the boldness To give those bones flight Into the noblest Last act of performance night or exercise in masked spite Irrelevant, an embellished fate She crouches, contemplates The height, the likely injurious spate The form flounces around the wait
This **** of this morning Almost hawk of forlorn dawning Sures it's tastes, titillates Red shine in the eye reflects Mind's highs and shy delections Foreseeing shards of residual head spread Over acutely angled limbs and digits subtracted and mangled
To no surprise she rises It sizes up the prize that provided An answer to lies so hideously divided And a thirst for the worst that insidious lives wish Saviour of absent behaviour No try, no cry, no mind for saving her A foot left the paving, the body flailing Regaining On gravity and the audacity Of life's magnanimous, massive, flaccid needs A sound of pained muddle hounds the cease Years regain in puddles on the dusty concrete A prayer said alone from a just, husky tree
***** and undetected The monster's expected scorn ejected He moves now towards the poor unsuspecting's rejected Silhouette of chance and dances dankly in his delected Tragedy of red majesty and death's rich tapestry perfected