Truthfully, you remind of someone I'd know in my dreams; a strangers face made recognizable by lack of initiative, or curiosity. Impervious to actualization.
Confidence in nightmares; reflective of shock-waves of Nagasaki, mutants in our collective DNA, monsters wading in the gene pool.
Atheists with superstitions. A viral nihilism befuddled by religious idioms and anecdotes, held together loosely by scientific mysticism & hypocritical moral superiority.
She reminds me that humanity is just, "everything that mankind is capable of." Builds complex doomsday devices in his head, and plots to rule the world. Meanwhile Manhattan project seeks to either rule the world or open it's throat.
It pains me to write a puff piece on hometown, love-life, hope/etc., yet I can wax lyric lusting for the apocalypse. In this fashion, I can look into crowds [sadistically romantic] and tell them, aspiring to the Manhattan in our everyday savage grey matter, "We all have dreams in our hearts."