Hey there I know you've not been well There are things you're not wiling to share But I'm aware of it all oh so well
I know all your fears And I know who you hold dear I know how you hide tears Behind those little cheers
I know how you break down Over songs you sung Because you tend to over think About what the future will bring
You hide under your blanket And use it like a huge handkerchief Crying without taking a sniff Crying without moving an inch
You indulge in self-pity and self-blame Put yourself to shame Whenever you make petty mistakes Because of being true to your feelings
You always think you're not good enough To yourself, you've always been tough You have disappointed them That's what's in your system
You once believed you can be selfless But you've been pounded hard by the unrequited So you became selfish But still hurting instead
You write poems to express these Still, you hide them behind figure of speeches Metaphor after metaphor Still, you wish someone will notice
How do I know? Because when you look at me in the mirror In your smile, I see sorrow I see everything you didn't want to show
I wish you could let me out Because you imprisoned me here I wish to help you out And try to cast out your fears
Let me out and I'll tell you you're not perfect However, you are beautifully unique They cannot always reciprocate, this you can expect Because they don't have a heart like yours, so to speak
So set me free, the prisoner in your mirror I fully understand you, I know this will bring you comfort I have you see that you're an amazing creature If no one loves you, that's what I'm here for
"Learning to love yourself; it is the greatest love of all."