There is this thing we have in modern photographical technology It gives us the ability to reverse technology while simultaneously using an advancement in technology What I'm talking about is how we can revert a colour photograph into a black and white photograph It's kind of like taking away the brilliance of a photograph
People say that the eyes can show us who the person is
What I've seen in many Nay all Of the black and white photographs that I've seen is that when there are eyes present their brilliance is diminished I like to believe it's because the 'windows to the soul" just do not have the power to shine so far Across two photographs But that belief has been changed
I truly believe that if nothing else it shows us the brilliance of a person
My belief changed when I saw her eyes In a black and white pictures Her eyes seem to be more brilliant than ever It was phenomenal! Her joy and radiance shined deep into me! It made me smile! I don't even know why I smiled or why a pretty girl made me look so moronic?! Even though I don't understand it I'm glad that it exists Because I got to smile
The brilliance of a person is a small part of their charcater. I don't really know what brilliance is. But I know that people with brilliance are usually peoplw I get along with.