You'll need to use imagination,
Or a pen and pagination
To reveal this configuration:
A two circle ven diagram.
Close your eyes,
Or draw the same,
But create two circles
Not yet combined,
Separate circles,
One circle is titled Set A.
List these despicable words:
alarm, panic, disgust,
revulsion, fear, indifference,
anger, sorrow, grief,
guilt, worry, doubt,
despair, hurt, stress,
tension, remorse, pain.
One circle is titled Set B.
List these wonderful words:
desire, admiration, surprise,
amusement, gratitude, hope,
joy, triumph, jubilation,
relief, generosity, sympathy,
delight, pleasure, courage,
satisfaction, friendship, euphoria.
Now for reader interaction
You'll be using picture cognition.
To envision this conception.
Move the two circles toward
Each other to intersect,
And to create
An elliptic circle,
I like to call
The ventricle,
Centered like our hearts.
This is Set C,
The combination
Of Sets A & B.
And you see,
It's empty.
I title this circle,
One word.
But as a participant
In this poem,
Give C
A title
Of your own.
As the Chairman, Frank, sang: "You can't have one without the other."
Tried to put this on HP as an actual Ven diagram, but could not get it to work. So, I created the Partici-poem. Hope it works.